Monday, June 30, 2008

Do I have WAD?

The following is a list of common WAD symptoms. Please review this list to see if you are a WADER.


Do You...

1. Weep frequently and uncontrollably?
2. Find yourself in a fetal position in your standing shower?
3. Go shopping and say to yourself, "I could use always use a new tie...for my...meetings...with clients...and such."
4. Not understand the difference between Friday and Tuesday?
5. Pack your lunch, but ultimately end up eating it while still wearing your bathrobe?

Even gainfully employeed individuals can suffer from WAD. If you currently have a job, please answer the following.

Do You...

1. Mutter ill-will upon yourself after speaking with co-workers?
2. Sit in bathroom stalls for extended periods regardless of digestive urges?
3. End sales calls by saying "Eh, It's all good, man."?
4. Have a notebook filled with tally marks?
5. Try to convince yourself that you could be attracted to co-workers who, in any other circumstance would be considered mildly ugly to plain looking.

If you or any of your friends suffer from WAD, please contact your local WAD Control team.

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